(07) 5576 0400
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturdays 8:00am - 12:30pm
Dental disease is one of the most common problems we see in veterinary practice. While a regular check-up with us will help to identify any dental issues your pet might be hiding, there are a few things you can look out for at home: (more…)
Pet desexing of male and female animals (castration and ovariohysterectomy) are two of the most common procedures we perform in veterinary practice. (more…)
It is entertaining to watch, and many people wonder what it means. Well, it might surprise you to know that your pooch may have a good reason for tail chasing. (more…)
If you’ve noticed that your pet has a new lump, especially if it is growing quickly or causing discomfort, we recommend booking a consultation with our veterinary team for a proper assessment to test a lump. With physical examination and further laboratory testing if needed, we can differentiate tumours from other types of tissue swelling (e.g. inflammation, infection or cysts) and ascertain the specific type of tumour. (more…)
“What is the best food for my pet?”
There is often no perfect diet to suit every pet, however there are some things to keep in mind when choosing a type of pet food for your furry friend. Here’s some of the most common food types on offer for dogs and cats. (more…)
Uh oh! You were having a lovely cuddle with your pet when you felt a small lump on their skin… what could it be, and does it warrant a vet visit? Here’s what to do when there are skin lumps in pets! (more…)
Whipworms (trichuriasis) are intestinal parasites that are most commonly found in dogs, and sometimes in cats. They are relatively small with a maximum length of 5-8 cms and are called whipworms for their thin, whip-like front end that carries a slightly thicker backend. These worms feed on your pet’s blood by attaching to the walls of the large intestine. (more…)
There are countless reasons why your pet might stop eating and several important indicators to see when your pet’s appetite is “off”. For example, if he eats, how quickly he eats, if he seems interested in eating to only walk away after a sniff, if he tries to eat but can’t chew properly. These are all clues that can help your vet identify what the underlying problem is. (more…)
Is your pet up-to-date with a thorough routine of external parasite prevention? Depending on your dog or cat’s home environment and lifestyle, common parasites that could hitch a harmful ride on your pet include fleas, paralysis ticks, brown ticks and mites, such as sarcoptes. (more…)
When our pets are suffering from tummy troubles, we empathise with them and want to relieve their troubles as soon as possible (even if we’re pretty sure their symptoms are the result of some cheeky food scrap stealing). However, it can sometimes be hard to know when to just support them with TLC at home, and when they actually require urgent veterinary care to treat their tummy woes. (more…)
While we prescribe various oral and topical flea, tick and worming medications for our feline patients, we understand that medicating cats at home is not always easy! Here’s how to keep home treatments for your resident feline friend low-stress. (more…)
Addison’s disease (or hypoadrenocorticism) is a sneaky endocrine disease that can be confusing as it often mimics other conditions. The disease results in a reduction in corticosteroid and mineralocorticoid secretion from the adrenal gland. (more…)
Adding fruit and veggies to your dog’s diet can be beneficial so here are the ones you should avoid altogether! (more…)
Puppies are adorable, but they can be challenging to live with! Here are our tips to help with a few common new teething issues in young dogs. (more…)
When the stomach is filled with gas, food, liquid or a combination the stomach can sometimes become abnormally enlarged or distended. Abnormal positioning of the stomach which is caused by the stomach’s rotation around its axis, ie, the twisting of the stomach or BLOAT in pets, is a painful condition that is dangerous, life-threatening and requires surgery to repair. (more…)
Vaccinating your pet is one of the most important things you can do to ensure they lead a happy and healthy life.
If you’re not convinced here are four reasons why: (more…)
If your pet is thirstier than usual it could be a sign of kidney disease. Sometimes the increase in thirst can be subtle but if you find yourself filling up the water bowl more regularly, or notice your pet drinking from the shower or toilet, you should arrange a check up at Pet Doctors. (more…)
Embarking on a vegan diet might be suitable for some people but what about our feline friends? Can a cat be a vegan? (more…)
Diabetes can be caused by many factors, include genetics and obesity. Obesity in pets is a big cause of this disease, and with the amount of overweight dogs and cats that present to us growing every year it’s no surprise that this disease is becoming more and more prevalent. (more…)
Shar-peis, basset hounds, neapolitan mastiffs, bulldogs and dogue de bordeaux. What do they all have in common? They are all dogs with excess skin and wrinkles! (more…)
In addition to particularly confident ‘moggies’, there are some popular cat breeds with a reputation for being highly friendly cats and almost dog-like in their behaviour.
We like to divide these cats into two cat-egories – the ‘Slinkies’ and the ‘Floofs’. In the Slinkies category are burmese, siamese and sphynx cats, while maine coon and ragdoll cats make up the Floofs. (more…)
There is no set season for snakes in Australia, they are just a part of life, but warmer temperatures mean that they are more active, and therefore more of a threat to our pets. (more…)
New Year’s Eve and fireworks go hand-in-hand! It’s an all-out tradition that we all love, but can mean hell for our pets! That’s why we’ve put together this quick guide to dogs and fireworks! (more…)
For a very happy canine this Christmas, consider organising one of these dog-friendly Christmas presents from Santa Paws for your four-legged friend! (more…)
Looking for the “purr-fect” Christmas present for your cat? Whilst there are some pretty excellent cat toys available online, it’s also possible to give your cat a great home-made present too! (more…)
Unfortunately, whilst most dogs would really love a hearty meal of Christmas ham and crackling, or a bowl filled with turkey meat, it’s best to be really careful about fatty foods and dogs. (more…)
It’s estimated that up to 50% of dogs are overweight, and in many cases, their well-meaning owners may not actually realise they have an overweight dog! (more…)
Unfortunately, chubby cats are increasingly common, and bring an increased risk of issues such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, urinary tract disease and arthritis. (more…)
Whilst changes in a pet’s body condition are often related to lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise, did you know that there are some cases where significant weight changes in pets can be the result of an underlying medical issue? This includes endocrine conditions (hormonal imbalances), which can actually alter your pet’s metabolism! (more…)
We would like to put out a quick warning to all pet parents on the Gold Coast, as we have had a number of dogs come in who have been sick with jellyfish ingestion. (more…)
Whether your pet is seeing us for a routine check or an episode of unwellness, our vets aim to perform a thorough examination during your pet’s vet check. In combination with the information you provide to us about your pet’s home care and activities, this check helps us to quickly get a good idea of their health status. (more…)
Have you noticed little black spots crawling back and forth on your cat, or you’ve noticed little black specks that come off them when you give them a nice pat? These are signs of fleas, or flea dirt, which are the excretions of an adult flea. They can definitely be identified if you put a spot of water on the black dots and they turn a blood-red colour. In this case, you need a flea treatment for cats. (more…)
Pets can develop behavioural issues at any time! Animal behaviour is influenced by a combination of genetics, early socialisation, and ongoing physical or mental experiences.
Unfortunately, it’s not just people who can suffer from poor mental health – our feline friends can also be negatively impacted by chronic stress. (more…)
Is your dog frequently butt-scooting on the floor? As well as being embarrassing for you (as pets seem to save this “party trick” for when guests arrive!), it can be a symptom of an underlying issue in your pet that requires veterinary treatment! (more…)
Uh oh, your pet has been vomiting – what should you do?
The first thing to do is to clean it up, obviously! Not only is this good hygiene, but it prevents your pet eating their vomit, which is generally best avoided. (more…)
Long haired cats such as Ragdolls, Birmans, Maine Coons and Persians are great to snuggle and are generally blessed with loving, sweet personalities. This makes them great companions! However, keeping one of these beautiful cat breeds clean and healthy will involve some extra maintenance. (more…)
We recommend any lumps get checked fairly promptly by our team. This is because some lumps require further treatment for your pet’s health and comfort, while some can be harmless. (more…)
You blinked, and suddenly your exuberant puppy has turned into a sweet old girl or boy! But don’t worry – with some extra care and lifestyle adjustments your older dog should be able to enjoy a lot more quality time with you yet. (more…)
Giardia in pets is a protozoan parasite that infects the gastrointestinal tract of humans, mammals, birds and even amphibians. The parasite can cause severe symptoms and is transmissible between animals and humans. (more…)
Dogs are social creatures and they form strong bonds with people. While most dogs cope well with daily separation from their owners, unfortunately, some dogs become very distressed and even destructive, a problem known as separation anxiety in pets. (more…)
You may be worried about general anaesthetic in older pets. Worry not! An older pet will commonly have a general anaesthetic. We will advise the options for your pet.
We know giving oral medications to your pet can be tricky, especially if your pet isn’t the cooperative type. Medicate like a pro with these tips: (more…)
For our pets, grass seeds are more than just annoying – they can become painful foreign bodies, causing infection and requiring veterinary treatment.?
Before you take your four-legged family member out and about for summer adventures, it’s important to keep them protected from common diseases by ensuring their vaccinations are up-to-date! (more…)
Snakes usually hibernate during the cooler months of the year, so the arrival of the spring warmth also means snakes may start to be more active in the area, and could be a potential risk to your pet. (more…)
Spring might have sprung, but the onset of warmer weather doesn’t necessarily mean that pets suffering from arthritis will be more comfortable than during the cold of winter. Pets with arthritis still need to be carefully managed year-round to ensure they remain comfortable, happy and healthy all of the time. (more…)
Anxiety can be a serious problem in pets. It can significantly affect their quality of life and even be dangerous to their health and wellbeing. (more…)
The onset of warmer spring weather also brings a burst of flowering plants and trees, which means there are more bees buzzing around. Pets, especially dogs, can come into contact with bees that have fallen to the ground, or from exploring in and amongst the flowering plants in the garden or in bushland. (more…)
A urine test is a simple and effective method for us to check the health of your pet’s urinary system. (more…)
Our feline friends can, unfortunately, suffer from a painful dental condition known as feline resorptive lesions (FRL). 60% of susceptible cats will have one of these lesions present by the time they are 6-years old. (more…)
“What is the best diet for my pet?”
A common question, but not always an easy answer. There is no one-diet-fits-all, but a premium-quality diet that is balanced and complete is the best place to start.
Did you know that some female dogs can become incontinent as they age? The condition is known as urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI), and this is just a fancy medical term used to describe a weak control of the muscles that control the lower urinary tract. (more…)
It’s a common question: can my pet get the flu? The answer is yes but unlike in humans, there isn’t typically a flu season for dogs and cats and infection can occur year round. (more…)
Have you got an older dog who is awake more at night or getting confused at times? Have you just put it down to ‘old age’? (more…)
There is plenty of scientific evidence that supports the benefits of probiotics in humans, but what about our pets? Can probiotics help your pet and when should you use them? (more…)
As COVID-19 restrictions relax and we start to return to a new “normal”, many people will be returning to work. Your dog may be used to having you around more, which means they also have likely been enjoying the extra cuddles, walks and maybe even the extra snacks! (more…)
Giardia is a protozoan parasite that infects the gastrointestinal tract of humans, mammals, birds and even amphibians. The parasite can cause severe symptoms and is transmissible between animals and humans. (more…)
Lilies are popular flowers and commonly used in arrangements due to their appealing fragrance. Many pet owners are, however, unaware of the danger they pose to cats. (more…)
Meet Zoe, the 10-year-old Standard Poodle. This usually-happy pooch was a bit quieter than usual and looked like she’d lost some weight. She’d also had a few episodes of unexplained vomiting and diarrhoea. (more…)
When it comes to finding out more about the health of your pet, blood tests are a powerful tool. They provide us with an insight into the health of many organs and can also confirm if your pet is safe to undergo anaesthesia. They are important in the diagnosis of disease and can help rule out endocrine diseases (such as Addison’s disease). (more…)
A barking dog can be helpful and comforting especially when it comes to alerting you about possible intruders. Unfortunately, barking can also be frustrating and disruptive and excessive barking can even be considered a behavioural problem. (more…)
Caring about our planet as best as possible is a great way to kick off 2020. So what can you do as pet owners to ensure that we protect the planet and make sustainable choices as often as possible? (more…)
Even though we needed this amazing wet weather, rain day in and day out on the Gold Coast can leave our pets feeling a bit shut in and bored. ☔️ ? (more…)
Dogs and cats are adventurous creatures, and at this time of year, they can occasionally be found harassing a snake. (more…)
Absolutely! Heart disease is not uncommon in dogs and cats, and knowing what to look out for is important as it can really make a difference to your pet’s life. (more…)
Parasite prevention can get pretty confusing, but it’s an important part of responsible pet care. The start of a new year is always a good time to make sure your pet is up to date with their parasite prevention and the good news is, we can make it easier for you! (more…)
Phoenix presented to the clinic with vomiting and bird seed seen in the faeces he had eaten that morning and otherwise seemed absolutely fine. It had been a couple days prior to coming to the clinic that the Phoenix’s pet parent noted that there was full bag of bird seed that had gone missing! (more…)
When it comes to your pet’s eyes, if you think you can see a problem, chances are, there probably is one. Eye issues can be serious and that’s why it is always best to have your pet assessed as soon as possible if you notice anything out of the ordinary. (more…)
Halloween can be a lot of fun, but for pet owners the fun can also turn into a nightmare. Following these tips is the best way to ensure that your furry friend is as safe as possible on the night. (more…)
Have you ever wondered what you should you do if your furry friend is stung by a bee or a wasp? (more…)
They are pesky little critters which can cause a serious case of the itches for your poor pet. While they can seriously plague you furry friend, can they hop over the species barrier and annoy us too? (more…)
Spring is in the air, but with the warmer weather comes the inconvenient things that cause itchy skin! Fleas commonly set off an attack of the itches, but pets can also be allergic to grasses, trees, plant pollen, dust mites and moulds, as well as certain foods. (more…)
Exciting news for our clients who feed their pets Royal Canin!
We now have the Animal First Loyalty program available here at Pet Doctors. After purchasing 10 bags of biscuits or 10 packs of wet food you will receive your 11th one FREE!
Please ask our reception staff when you are in next how you can register.
Pet Doctors is excited to announce we now have Openpay available.
Openpay is an interest free loan and can be used for veterinary bills greater than $100. Clients can chose their payment plans and approval is made within minutes through the Openpay App. Please talk to our friendly receptionist on 5576 0400 for further information, download the App or visit https://www.openpay.com.au/
There are five big steps that can make all the difference to your pet’s dental health: (more…)
You may have thought of diet and exercise as being the most important part of your pet’s health and wellbeing, but did you know that sleep has just as big a part to play? (more…)
More and more we are hearing of people advertising ‘anaesthesia-free dentistry’ for pets and we would like to fill you in on why this is doing more harm than good to your beloved fur baby. (more…)
It is very common for us to see an older pet with dental disease but many people can be reluctant to pursue a dental procedure as they are worried about their senior pet having to undergo an anaesthetic. (more…)
Henry the five-year-old Great Dane presented one afternoon as he was restless, had laboured breathing and was drooling… (more…)
You may look at your cat and think “I wish I had your life”, and who can blame you? They spend most of their days sleeping, get everything they need provided and there’s no working hours for these feline friends. But even so, cats can easily become very stressed in certain situations which seem normal to us. (more…)
To help your arthritic pet live a comfortable life there are a few things you can do at home: (more…)
Toby is a 12-year-old german shorthaired pointer who went to bed as normal one evening only to wake the next morning unable to stand. It was as if Toby had suddenly lost his balance altogether. He appeared to have a head tilt and his eyes were ‘jerking’ irregularly. (more…)
If you’ve been thinking about getting a new furry addition have you considered adopting an older pet? There are plenty of positives when it comes to giving an older pet a home and a great companion is just one of them! (more…)
If you’re finding it a bit harder to get out of bed on these colder mornings, spare a thought for your pet. Arthritis loves to rear its ugly head around this time of the year and the reason your pet might be sleeping in more than usual could be due to pain. (more…)
It’s a great time to take your dog swimming but did you know that an innocent dip can lead to an ear infection for your dog? (more…)
The warmer weather can be really stressful for our wildlife. After a few consecutive days of high temperatures, it is not uncommon for us to see wildlife suffering from heat stress and dehydration. Some animals can also suffer burnt feet from walking on hot tin roofs or even the pavement. (more…)
It’s time to crank the air-conditioning for flat-faced dogs such as the Pug, French Bulldog and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. These dogs (known as Brachycephalic breeds) are not very well designed for our hot summer months and are very susceptible to heat stress. (more…)
Many people put off bringing their cat to the vet as they feel it is just too stressful. As a result, we don’t get to see your feline friend as often as we should. (more…)
It’s not uncommon for us to be asked, “if my dog doesn’t go to boarding kennels, why is it necessary to vaccinate against kennel cough?” (more…)
We’d like to make sure your pet stays happy and healthy this silly season so here’s a list of twelve potential pet hazards you need to watch out for this Christmas: (more…)
Have you ever seen your dog dragging his or her bottom along the ground? This peculiar act is known as ‘scooting’ and can indicate your dog has irritated anal glands. (more…)
We’d like to introduce you to Rocky the Cat and he has a little secret … he’s allergic to fleas! (more…)
When it comes to managing the itchy pet, there is no magic pill. It’s all about prevention of parasites and taking action before things get out of control. Here are our top tips for skin care: (more…)
Itchy skin can cause absolute chaos and really affect your dog’s quality of life. One of the most common and frustrating ‘itchy skin’ conditions we see in dogs is atopic dermatitis. (more…)
Many of you will have been aware of the claims and counter claims regarding how vets vaccinate dogs. At Pet Doctors, we have been closely examining the objective scientific evidence for these claims. (more…)
If your pet has stinky breath it’s important to realise that this is not normal and that it may be time to see a dentist. (more…)
The cost of one of the big favourites in pet food, Big Dog BARF, will be increasing as of the 1st of September so we want to give you plenty of time to come into Pet Doctors to stock up and save some $$$. Our fridges are packed so don’t miss out!!
Week 2 of our RECEPTION RENOVATION CELEBRATION is giving you BARF goodies to WIN!
Buy a box of BARF and get a FREE cooler bag plus a chance to win a FREE BOX OF BARF! Running all this week so don’t miss out!
We’re starting off our RECEPTION RENOVATION CELEBRATION with FREE IVORY COAT TREATS with every purchase of Ivory Coat 13kg bag of food!
Plus, we have a BIG raffle, guessing games and freebies on top of our daily promotions! Come in-clinic and help us celebrate our NEW LOOK with a bang!
Our dogs are amazing creatures, and they can often sense things that we cannot even imagine, almost like they have superpowers! (more…)
Try these six steps for nail clipping at home! (more…)
Ear cleaning is a great routine to get into and only requires a little preparation. (more…)
It may be hard to understand why cats get stressed. They sleep all day, they don’t need to work and everything they could ever want is provided for them. However, when something is amiss or there are changes in their environment it can easily turn your calm cat into an anxious cat. (more…)
Stress can be as hard for our pets as it is on us humans and should never be underestimated. Changes to routines or other disruptions around the home can be a big cause of stress in dogs. Good changes often mean a dog’s stress response will return to normal much sooner than if it is a change they don’t like. (more…)
Our kitty cats are fussy about things sometimes, and their kitty litter is no exception! (more…)
Bloat in dogs is a very serious condition in dogs and can even become deadly. Knowing the signs of bloat is paramount as immediate treatment is vital. (more…)
If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis don’t despair! There are multiple ways Pet Doctors can treat arthritis and help your pet live a longer and more comfortable life. (more…)
If your dog eats things that shouldn’t be eaten, like socks, dry wall, rocks and other non-food related items, then they may have a condition called Pica. (more…)
Ever wondered why your pets eat grass? (more…)
Meet Lenno. Lenno is an 8-year-old Cavalier who snores very loudly and is obsessed with food, but has had a bit of trouble with his eyes… (more…)
Pets can be a lot of fun, especially when it comes to playtime! But did you know that your fun and games with your dog or cat come with more benefits than one – they’re an essential part of your pet’s health and wellbeing! (more…)
It’s not a pleasant thought for anyone to imagine that their fur baby has worms. In most cases, you won’t even know about it as the symptoms of these infections are often subtle or don’t show at all. (more…)
Introducing Zylkene, the newest product here at Pet Doctors that is making waves amongst pet owners with stressed/anxious dogs and cats! (more…)
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) is a newly recognised disease, somewhat similar to Alzheimer’s disease in people. (more…)
Pet Doctors is now able to submit insurance claims with Petsure (which includes every insurance company except RACQ and Petplan) direct from our computer system! This makes it easier and more efficient for you to file your claims with us and means no more paperwork hassles! (more…)
Diabetes can be caused by many factors, include genetics and obesity. Obesity in pets is a big cause of diabetes, and with the amount of overweight dogs and cats that present to us growing every year it’s no surprise that this disease is becoming more and more prevalent. (more…)
Vaccination is a hot topic in the media at the moment. There’s plenty of information and scare tactics floating around on social media and so when it comes to vaccinating your pet, we want you to get the right advice. (more…)
Our pets are stuck with their teeth for life, so it’s important to take good care of them.. Of course, if your pet tolerates the old-fashioned brush and paste method that’s fantastic. If not, there are other ways that will take the grind out of pet dental care! (more…)
If you want to start a New Year’s resolution, why not include your pet as well! There are plenty of ways you can improve their lives with just a little determination and effort, and the result: a happier and healthier pet! (more…)
Join in on our Christmas comp and win prizes for your furry friend!!! (more…)
The Christmas period can be a busy time for everyone. It can be easy to get swept up in the festivities and not realise your pet is unwell and needs a vet visit. (more…)
One of the greatest threats to human and animal health is resistance to antibiotics and the emergence of ‘superbugs’.
Canine Cough (also known as tracheo-bronchitis or kennel cough) is an infectious disease of dogs characterised by a harsh, hacking cough. Most people describe the cough as sounding like “something stuck in my dog’s throat.” (more…)
Mast cell tumours are common in dogs and account for approximately one skin tumour in every five. (more…)
As we age, we all become more prone to illness and your cat is no exception. It is important to realise that cats are infamous for masking illness so the smallest changes can be significant, therefore optimal healthcare for older cats makes a big difference to them later in life. (more…)
If you are frustrated with the urine stains on your lawn then you are not alone! Thankfully, this problem has a few easy solutions that will leave you with much better grass in just a short time! (more…)
When our pets develop behavioural issues it’s often because of an underlying problem that can be difficult to detect. With cats it is even harder, but we have the ultimate guide to anxious cats and how to help them feel more at ease in or around their home. (more…)
There are several signs of Dementia in senior pets. These signs will warn you that all is not right with your pet and should never be ignored. Many of them may be considered a bit “odd” to pet parents, but all behavioural changes in your pet happen for a reason and should be seen by your vet as soon as possible. (more…)
As the days get longer and warmer, you and your pet might be spending more time outside in the garden. Here is a list of some of the more common garden hazards to be aware of! (more…)
Healthy baby birds have a much greater chance of survival if left in their natural environment with their parents. This is because their parents teach them how to fly, what to eat, how to find food and how to avoid predators. It is important to know when and how to rescue a baby bird that is in trouble as this can severely affect their little lives. (more…)
It’s not uncommon for us to see an older pet with dental disease but many people are worried about their senior pet having to undergo a dental procedure. (more…)
There’s no getting around this one. If you want your pet to live a healthy life, they need to have a healthy mouth! (more…)
Without an anaesthetic we cannot perform a thorough examination of your pet’s mouth, and there is simply no way we can diagnose or treat dental problems while your pet is awake. When it comes to gold standard dental care, we can’t just ask your pet to sit back and ‘open wide.’
Spring is just around the corner and as the days are getting longer, now’s the time to ensure your pet is up to date with flea prevention. (more…)
Just like for humans, water is an important part of healthy, living cells in our pet’s bodies. Therefore, making sure your pet is getting enough of the stuff is as vital to keeping them feeling well as a whole, balanced diet. (more…)
Vomiting and diarrhoea are two words most people don’t want to talk about, let alone have to deal with when it comes to their pet. Thankfully, we have a summary of what you need to know so you don’t have to dwell on these words for too long! (more…)
With flu season in full swing, now’s a good time for us to answer the common question, is there such thing as a pet flu? (more…)
Your dog doesn’t need to be doing acrobatics to do his ACL! (more…)
It may surprise you to learn that cats actually shouldn’t drink milk. As for dogs…well, whether they can drink it is a bit more complicated… (more…)
Second hand smoke is not just a danger to humans, it also poses a great risk for pets as well. For various reasons, pets who’s owners smoke can suffer health issues at a much more serious level than pets who’s owners don’t. Here are some facts: (more…)
Did you know that just like humans, our furry friends need a cool down after exercise? This is especially the case if your pet likes to work/run/play hard! Here are our top tips to giving your pet the best cool down! (more…)
With Mother’s Day this month, we thought now would be a good time to share a few things about pregnancy in dogs. Here are some key facts! (more…)
Even Vets have emergencies! Little Elsie is considered the walking vacuum cleaner and gave Dr Kathryn a real fright! (more…)
With Cyclone Debbie not long gone, we thought it would be prudent to take some time to talk about disaster planning for your pets. (more…)
Jimmy is a 9 year old Maltese cross. This boisterous little man was thirstier than normal and had suddenly started to wee in the house. His owners noticed he had a bit of a pot belly but had put this down to Jimmy getting older, not that he potentially had Cushings Disease. (more…)
For whatever reason you celebrate Easter, it’s safe to say the majority of people love to binge on Easter goodies, which can be harmful to our pets. Here are our top tips to a pet safe Easter. (more…)
Dogs, and especially cats, can be tempted to eat bugs, which might seem a harmless habit for the most part, but can also be a buggy problem for a few reasons. (more…)
It’s a common question: is there such thing as a pet flu? The answer is yes but unlike in humans, there isn’t typically a flu season for dogs and cats and infection can occur year round. (more…)
A mentally stimulated dog is a happy dog. Here are just a few great ideas to help occupy your bored pet. (more…)
Here are a few of the behavioural issues in pets we talk about with our clients on a daily basis. (more…)
Many vets on the Coast run puppy school classes for their most fresh-faced clients, because the benefits of enrolling your pooch in one of these classes are so important to starting your new pup on the right path in life. (more…)
Attention all owners of lovable plant chewers!
Lots of plants in the garden can cause mild gastrointestinal symptoms in dogs that eat them but one plant family in particular can lead to serious illness and death: Cycads. (more…)
It’s difficult to think about your furry best friend being hurt or severely injured, but having a basic understanding of first aid should the situation ever present itself can make a world of difference to you and your pet. (more…)
If your dog has a longer coat, or fur that tends to shed, they will most likely end up with clumps of matted fur. Dog hair shafts are “barbed” and some breeds that have more barbs on the shaft than others, which means they will mat if not taken care of properly. These matted knots not only look horrible, but they can also hide infections, sores and bugs so it is best to prevent them if possible. (more…)
The Gold Coast is in the midst of a heatwave, and because our pets cool themselves through panting, lying on cool surfaces and drinking cool water, hot and humid weather like we’re experiencing at the moment is the most dangerous for them. (more…)
The heat is on and as we battle our way through summer, spare a though for your pet. (more…)
There are already plenty of snakes about so we are asking our clients to be extra vigilant. (more…)
It’s fun to involve your pet in the festive celebrations so here are our top tips on how to keep them safe this Christmas. (more…)
Is your pet ready for the Christmas holidays? If your pet is boarding over the holiday period and isn’t up to date with their vaccinations now is the time to get things in order. (more…)
This is the question many cat owners face when bringing their furry friend home for the first time: to keep indoors, or to let outdoors? (more…)
Our pets are little battlers most the time. They don’t show many signs that they are sick and will often suffer in silence. Sometimes even the most diligent pet parent can overlook when something is off, and we’ve put together a list of symptoms of a sick pet that need to be addressed by your vet if you notice them. (more…)
You probably haven’t thought about it but did you know that a retractable leash can be a potential hazard? (more…)
We often refer to kidney disease as the silent killer as it can sneak up on your pet and signs may be subtle and hard to notice. This type of kidney disease is referred to as chronic kidney disease and is something we may detect in an older cat. (more…)
Halloween can be a lot of fun, but for pet owners the fun can also turn into a nightmare. Following these tips is the best way to ensure that your furry friend is as safe as possible on the night. (more…)
When it comes to your pet, you might think carrying a few extra kilos isn’t a big deal. Think again. An overweight pet is at an increased risk of arthritis, heart disease, respiratory disorders and diabetes. What is alarming is that that most people aren’t even aware that their pet is a bit portly. (more…)
After a long, wet and very cold winter we are thrilled that Spring has arrived. But Spring also brings about some hazards and one in particular is the presence of snail bait and slug bait in the garden. Be careful if you happen to visit the neighbour’s garden or a friend’s garden as you might not realise it’s there. (more…)
Pheromones are scents, or smells, emitted by animals to communicate between members of the same species. They play a huge part in dog and cat behaviour, and can influence many aspects of your pet’s behaviour.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are a very popular breed, and no wonder! They are the most loving little dogs. They are also one of the breeds that suffers from Syringomyelia, a very serious inherited disease that manifests itself usually between the ages of 6 months and 3 years (but can show up at any age). (more…)
It’s camping season and there is no reason why your furry friend should miss out on the fun! Camping with pets can be a great experience for the whole family, so here are Pet Doctor’s top tips for being prepared. (more…)
Spring time is often associated with cleaning, fresh smelling rooms and putting out a nice pot of sweet smelling flowers. As the season blossoms here is the main list of toxic plants that you should keep away from your cat. (more…)
Spring has sprung and as the flowers start to bloom we will start to see more bees about. What should you do if your pet accidentally obtains a bee sting or a wasp sting? (more…)
They’re excited and full of joy when you get out their favourite toy, but owners beware, not all toys are alike, and not all toys are safe! Many toys with common parts used by toy companies can cause some serious problems for your furry friend! Here are the dangers of toys: (more…)
A pet dental procedure is nearly an everyday occurance in veterinary practices and when it comes to what’s involved, people often have a few questions. Here are the three most common questions we hear… (more…)
Dental health care is just as important for your pets as it is for you and I! While only a dental op at Pet Doctors will remove plaque build up and deal with any dental problems, maintaining your pet’s oral health has largely to do with home practices like dental solutions, teeth brushing and even dental diets and chews.
It’s a common question: can my pet get the flu?
The answer is yes but unlike in humans, there isn’t typically a flu season for dogs and cats and infection can occur year round. (more…)
You might not realise it but dogs and cats are considered senior citizens when they reach 7 years of age. Our furry senior friends require some extra special attention to help keep them happy and healthy. (more…)
Winter is arthritis season! The cold weather often brings on symptoms in those pets with underlying degenerative joint disease, like Bentley. (more…)
Our cat’s behaviours can sometimes be a mystery to us, especially if they suddenly change a habit for no apparent reason: like peeing on the bed! (more…)
One of the most common injuries seen in dogs is called a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (or ruptured ACL). This is the same injury seen in many a footballer – the notorious ACL, and it can can lead to dramatic arthritis in your dog’s knee if it is not treated effectively. (more…)
In the last few week’s we’ve discussed the signs that dogs and cats show when they are living with arthritis. If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis we will work with you to come up with the best management plan to keep your pet pain free. (more…)
Last week we spoke about how dogs show the signs of arthritis. Well, cats are even better than dogs at hiding or covering up pain caused by arthritis. (more…)
Arthritis is a sneaky condition. It tends to creep up over time and our pets won’t always show obvious signs until they are in considerable pain. (more…)
This is a tale about a missing sock. The sock was long, red and very smelly and one afternoon it went missing from a footy bag. (more…)
While desexing your pet at a young age is ideal, it is never too late to have the procedure done. We have provided some information to help advise you on the benefits of neutering your male or female pet. (more…)
Adding fruit and vegetables to your dog’s diet can be beneficial so here are the ones you should avoid altogether! (more…)
Maybe you have noticed that your dog has some unusual colouring inside his or her mouth, such as blue or black spots on the tongue, gums or roof of the mouth.
Some breeds are renown for having oddly coloured tongues – like Chows and Sharpeis. So how did your seemingly normal dog end up with these strange colourings? (more…)
Not too long ago Billie the Border Collie X had a bee sting during her walk in Schuster Park. Her owners noticed that she was bothered by something, but didn’t realise that she had been stung while she was playing. (more…)
Your pet’s gum health can tell you a lot about their overall condition. For example, pale pink to pink gums are a sign of health. Very pale or gray/purple gums can be a sign of shock, stress, overheating or dehydration, and red gums can be a sign that your pet is fighting a systemic infection or fever. (more…)
Molly the Cairn Terrier visited late one afternoon. She had been ‘off colour’ for a few days. Molly usually had an excellent appetite but over the past few weeks she had lost a lot of weight. (more…)
Pet Doctors Palm Beach now stocks BLACK HAWK PET FOOD in a range of sizes to suit everyone’s furry friend! (more…)
Buy 3 Milbemax worming tablets and get 1 FREE! (more…)
While stocks last, Pet Doctors is giving away a FREE ball thrower with purchases or 2 or more boxes of Bravecto! (more…)
Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) is a newly recognised disease, somewhat similar to Alzheimer’s disease in people. In dogs with Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome, the brain undergoes a series of changes that result in a decline in the mental faculties associated with thinking, recognition, memory, and learned behaviour. (more…)
You’ve booked a vet visit with Pet Doctors Palm Beach for your furry friend, so here’s the best way to get the most out of your time with us: (more…)
Many people aren’t always aware that the most critical time in your dog’s life is during their first four months. Puppy socialisation at this time with other dogs (both big and small) is one of the most important ingredients for a well behaved and sociable dog. (more…)
If there’s something that smells good to your dog chocolate would be at the top of the list! Like us, dogs love chocolate and they are very good at finding it! Not surprisingly, Easter is one of the busiest times of the year for vets when it comes to chocolate toxicities. (more…)
Meet Bo, a gorgeous ShihTzu who loves his liver treats! And Bo likes them so much that he grabbed a large one out of his owner’s hand and tried to swallow it whole without even chewing – meaning trouble! (more…)
Sick pets can be a scary reality for pet owners because often we don’t know what is going on. Diarrhoea in pets can make us anxious, so here’s when not to worry and when a trip to the vet is actually needed. (more…)
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, there’s never been a better time to discuss heart disease in pets.
Heart disease isn’t easy to spot in our furry friends. It tends to creep up on our pets slowly over many months to many years. (more…)
Feeling a bit lonely for this Valentine’s Day? Never fear, that’s why our pets are here! We can prove why a furry valentine is better than any other! (more…)
Dogs and cats are curious creatures and at this time of year they can sometimes be found harassing a snake, which can lead to snake bites. (more…)
Our pets can’t sweat all over their bodies like humans can. They rely on panting to get rid of the hot air and only produce a small amount of sweat through their foot pads. This makes them extremely susceptible to heatstroke in hot and humid conditions. (more…)
Charlie the chocolate Labrador X was shaking his head and using his foot to have a good old scratch around his head. He was wearing a new collar and his owners thought this was the culprit, but when he started to smell a bit funny he came in for a check up. (more…)
At Christmas pets can get into all sorts of trouble. Follow these few rules and we’ll help you prevent a pet cat-astrophe this festive season! (more…)
Our beautiful country is home to some of the world’s most deadly and poisonous creatures and this article is about none other than our very own Cane Toad and the scary effects it can have on our pets. (more…)
FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus) and Feline AIDS are very common in the cat population and are very similar to the human equivalents. The number of infected cats have dramatically increased over the last several years, and up to 19% of cats tested positive for this deadly disease in an alarming study! (more…)
Most pet owners know the usual yearly expenses for their pets include annual vaccinations, worming, flea and tick treatments and food, however no one is ever really prepared for an unfortunate event that ends them in pet emergency with a sick or hurt fur friend. (more…)
All Hallow’s Eve is always a fun time of year! Plenty of costumes, chocolate and candy is like heaven for most of us, just make sure to follow our 6 tips for a pet safe Halloween. (more…)
We all love to cuddle up to our precious little fur babies when they’re nice and clean for a good bath! But did you know that over bathing puppies can potentially lead to them developing allergies to things in their environment? (more…)
We’re heading back into storm season and this year won’t be any easier for those dogs that hate things that go BANG! In fact, in most cases fear of storms tends to worsen as our pets age. So, what can you do to help make experiencing a storm easier for your pet? (more…)
The pesky flea can be a major headache to the owners of cats and dogs and provide major discomfort to your animal. The flea is the most common canine/feline pest and can cause a number of ailments, including severe itching, allergies, skin infections and tapeworms. (more…)
When it comes to cats and water, things can get pretty hairy! Most cats hate being immersed in water and find the bath an incredibly stressful experience. So at the end of the day, should you be bathing your cat? (more…)
Most people are aware that dogs love the company of their owners and most love other dogs too. Dogs in general feel content when they have company because they are “pack” animals. But cats are a different matter. (more…)
Tick season is in full swing and that means getting ready to do battle with those nasty parasites lurking around in the grass and bushes of your fur friend’s favourite park! Knowledge and prevention are your best weapons and we’re here to arm you with both! (more…)
Has your pet packed on some winter weight? While some pets need a bit more food over the colder months to make up for the extra energy they burn while active, others may be more reluctant to move about when the chill sets in. This can lead to a bit more blubber around your pet’s middle. (more…)
Buy a pack of Panoramis in-store at Pet Doctors Palm Beach for a chance to win 1 in 10 prizes drawn monthly. With $1000 up for grabs + a Grinz Ball for the first 1000 entries there is one more reason to buy your favourite wormer from Pet Doctors! (more…)
Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas and is a painful disorder very commonly seen in dogs of any age, breed or sex. (more…)
Because communication with pets limits their ability to tell us when something is wrong physical examination and sometimes pet blood testing is required to check everything is working as it should be.
Cataracts in pets cause blurred vision and left to thicken and become denser means they will most likely lead to blindness. A cataract is when the lens of the eye starts to form an opacity and can be caused by disease like diabetes, old age and trauma to the eye itself. The most common cause of all is inheritance.
With our latest session of puppy school classes coming to a close and our next one starting this week what better time to go over the vital importance of socialising your dog! (more…)
The general rule of thumb is that our pets age 8 years for every one of our own. This means old age sneaks up on them a lot faster than it does on us humans. Therefore, the illnesses that can come with old age can be just as devious! (more…)
Hyperthyroidism in cats is one of the most common hormonal diseases in our feline friends. Most cats are 8 years or older and can be any breed or sex. The disease is caused by excess production of thyroid hormone by the thyroid glands. Thyroid hormone regulates metabolic rate, so cats with too much thyroid hormone in their circulation their heart races, can become hyperactive, and lose weight even though in most cases they have an excellent appetite. (more…)
Ear infections and ear problems continue to be high on the list of reasons why people seek Veterinary care for their pets and a lot can be said for regularly cleaning pet’s ears.
Most pets don’t find this to be their cup of tea and will likely kick up a fuss, so we have some tips to make the process easier for both you and your fur friend. (more…)
With so many brands and so many different types of food out there it is easy to become mind-boggled with the choice! Many pet owners keep their pet on the same food for the rest of their life, simply because they don’t understand all the options out there. When it comes to pet food, however, change can be hugely beneficial for your fur friend. (more…)
Love your pets and want to get the a pic to capture their personality? Even with the most camera shy pets there’s tricks to snapping perfect pet photos without tearing out your hair. Here’s some of the know-how! (more…)
Here are some simple and easy tips to help keep pets safe during Winter. (more…)
Winter is here and we all consider ourselves lucky if we get through the cold season without a case of the sniffles. Occasionally however, our pets also get the dreaded lurgy with similar unpleasant symptoms. (more…)
Meet Maddie, a scrawny 14 year old tortoiseshell cat who is always in search of a meal.
A check up revealed Maddie had lost nearly 17% of her body weight in the past year. This was despite her ravenous appetite and regular snacks around the neighbourhood. There was obviously something wrong. (more…)
Endocrine diseases are a fancy way of describing diseases that are caused by hormonal imbalances. These diseases are relatively common and can greatly affect your pet’s quality of life. Some Endocrine diseases can even be life threatening if they are not diagnosed and treated correctly. (more…)
Does your dog pull you down the street, turning your daily walk into a constant struggle? Do you feel as though you must choke your dog to have control or that your arm is in danger of dislocation? Fortunately we now have tools that will change this pattern and improve your relationship with your pet. (more…)
Pet Doctors Palm Beach is very excited to announce that there has been a breakthrough in tick and flea control for our canine friends! Bravecto is now available and find out why it is the most popular choice for many pet owners around Australia! (more…)
There are many causes of vomiting in pets – and overindulging in chocolate is just one of them. (more…)
Easter is nearly here and we can almost taste all that delicious chocolate in the form of eggs, bunnies and bars! We’re excited – are you?!
It’s a wonderful time of year where no one blames you for being decadent but chocolate is a notorious toxin to our pets so they shouldn’t be given the chance to dig into that stash you have hidden away. (more…)
Recently there have been several cases of Parvovirus in pets on the Gold Coast so we want to issue out a warning to all pet owners to keep their pets up to date with their Vaccinations or risk the consequences of this deadly disease. (more…)
Having your pet neutered can be a worrying and traumatic time for pet owners, so we have decided to go through the procedure to help people understand how everything works! (more…)
“Come” “Sit” “Stay” “No” “Down” “Leave it” and “off”
Teaching your dog these 7 simple commands can not only save you a lot of aggravation, but they could possibly save your dog from harm in the future. (more…)
Lonely, stuck indoors, feeling bored and waiting for the fur parents to come home can be a challenge for any pet. It is often times like this that your furry best friend will decide to do something particularly devilish to occupy their time. Whether it’s making a right din, urinating, defecating, chewing, scratching, biting, tearing or self-mutilating, there’s no fun in coming home to the mess bored pets can leave. (more…)
There is no set season for snakes in Australia, they are just a part of life, but warmer temperatures mean that they are more active, and therefore more of a threat to our pets. In general snakes want to be left alone, but along comes an inquisitive dog or cat and things can get ugly. With this in mind there are two things you need to know in the event a snake bites your pet that could potentially save their life. (more…)
You’ve thought about it long and hard and now you are keen on introducing a new pet to the family. So, how do you go about doing it in a way that keeps your current pet relatively happy and ensures that a good relationship forms between your older pet and the new furball you’ve brought home? During this exciting, nervous and sometimes overwhelming stage it’s always helpful to be prepared. (more…)
After the devastating South Australian bushfires earlier this year, we have a feel good story to share with you. (more…)
Many people struggle when it comes to feeding their pet and one of the most common questions we get is “How much should I feed my dog or cat?” Here are some pet health tips to help you out. (more…)
It’s the Summer season again and unfortunately these little terrors can cause your pet some serious problems. (more…)
Need something tasty and nutrient-rich alternative to give your dog as a light snack or addition in their meal? Here are 10 delicious and nutritious fruit and vegetables for pets that your fur friend can benefit from! (more…)
In this profession we are always learning … the vets especially!
Kathryn’s beloved Staffy, Halle, had not managed to grow her hair back after having a cancer removed in March 2013 and then after spinal surgery in June this year. She had a bald back with a patchy tuft of hair in the middle and a very thin coat on her right side where she had the cancer removed. (more…)
There’s nothing fancy about this supplement (it’s been around for years!), but this doesn’t mean that fish oil for your dog doesn’t pack a punch when it comes to giving your pet an overall health boost! Just take a look at what it can offer! (more…)
How do you keep your pooch cool this summer? Try some of these easy ideas! (more…)
New Year’s Eve and fireworks go hand-in-hand! It’s an all-out tradition that we all love, but can mean hell for our pets! There have been reports of terrified dogs jumping through plate glass windows, jumping over or digging under fences to try and escape! Whether you have a dog, cat, rabbit, these quick tips will help ease that frightened fur baby this NYE : (more…)
Christmas has come upon us faster than a pooch at dinner time and there’s no busier month of the year than when we’re getting ready for the fun festivity. That’s why we have made this quick, little list of things you need to think about to give your fur family a good Christmas too! (more…)
Meet Maurice, a very happy energetic little fellow who loves his food.
Maurice has learnt how to raid his owner’s pantry, and this week managed to help himself to a couple of boxes of sultanas … the large 250gm boxes! (more…)
Who delivers presents to all our fur friends?
Why, Santa Paws, of course!
Pet Doctors Palm Beach would like to invite you, your family and your fur family to meet Santa Paws for some fun ‘pawtrait’ sessions on December 11th from 5.15 – 6.15pm.
We’d love to see you there!
Most pets will have diarrhoea at some time in their lives. In some cases the diarrhoea is self limiting and your pet will recover quickly without treatment. In other cases the diarrhoea is more serious and your pet may need treatment to clear the primary cause and/or supportive care to (more…)
Do you frequently speak to your fur friend in a baby voice? Do you get a head tilt when you’re having a conversation with them? Studies show that dogs actually do understand us in more ways than one and now science proves that vocal tone, facial expression, eye contact and body language combine to create a dialect all of our own (more…)
Vaccinating your pet is one of the most important things you can do to ensure they lead a happy and healthy life.
If you’re not convinced here are four reasons why: (more…)
It’s a sad fact that year-by-year we’re seeing tick cases increase, and the biggest misconception is that ticks are a seasonal problem. Ticks are a year-long issue here in Australia and the warming temperatures mean that each year is seeing an increase in tick cases and fatalities. (more…)
1000 family doctors and general practitioners were surveyed through a one-of-a-kind panel survey, revealing doctors believe that interactions with animals helped patients. (more…)
We’re getting into the season of giving and we want you to see the savings, so we’re giving you the chance to buy cheap pet supplies here at Pet Doctors Palm Beach!
When you buy your maintenance pet food and flea and tick treatment at Pet Doctors you will immediately receive a (more…)
Following on from our Facebook article from last Tuesday, here are a few pet dangers that might be lurking about in your garden as Spring kicks off.
• Snail and Slug Bait: sprinkled on the garden or even stored in the box, these are very attractive to pets. Ingestion of small quantities can be rapidly fatal. Be aware that products that claim they are pet safe (more…)
The cranial cruciate ligament is important in stabilizing the stifle (knee) joint. Damage to the ligament causes painful inflammation, and leads to the development of arthritis.
At Pet Doctors we are seeing an increasing number of dogs with hind limb lameness due to cranial cruciate ligament (more…)
Our Gold Coast Vets offer medical, surgical and hospital facilities for your sick pet. Pet Doctors has all the necessary equipment onsite to assist your vets make a timely diagnosis. From in-house diagnostic facilities include a digital radiograph machine (X-rays including dental), ultrasound and blood analysis. Pet Doctors Palm Beach has two examination rooms to accommodate the many services offered at our practice. We recommend annual wellness examinations for all pets.
Did you know that pets over the age of 7 years are considered seniors?
For a discounted price get peace of mind with our Seniors Wellness Plan.
We offer medical, surgical and hospital facilities for the sick pet. In-house diagnostic facilities include a digital radiograph machine (X-rays) and blood analysis.Pet Doctors has two examination rooms to accommodate the many services offered at our hospital. We recommend annual wellness examinations for all pets.
Article by Dr. Kathryn James, Pet Doctors Palm Beach Vet
Paralysis tick season has started already this year and Pet Doctors has already seen its share of cases!
Pumpkin and Ketu are two very special patients at Pet Doctors. (more…)
Article release by AVA
(Australian Veterinary Association)
As with human medicine, we’re learning more all the time about the best ways to prevent disease in dogs and cats. In response to this, in 2009 the AVA revised its policy to recommend less frequent vaccination for (more…)