(07) 5576 0400

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm

Saturdays 8:00am - 12:30pm

Watch out for those Spring Pet Dangers!

Following on from our Facebook article from last Tuesday, here are a few pet dangers that might be lurking about in your garden as Spring kicks off.

• Snail and Slug Bait: sprinkled on the garden or even stored in the box, these are very attractive to pets. Ingestion of small quantities can be rapidly fatal. Be aware that products that claim they are pet safe have a bitter taste which only acts as a deterrent. Some pets will still eat these highly toxic baits so consider whether these baits are absolutely necessary in your garden.

• Fertiliser: Pets love the smell and taste of some fertilisers and if eaten, these can prove rapidly toxic or even fatal.

• Compost: The garden compost heap is very tasty to your pet but the contents contain bacteria, moulds and toxins, all of which can make your pet very sick.

• Insecticides and weed killers: These are toxic to pets and should be safely stored and locked up.

• Avoid poisonous plants: These include as rhododendrons and azaleas, daffodil bulbs and daphne. Lilies, if ingested, can cause kidney failure in cats so if in doubt – pull them out! (See our last Tip for Tuesday for more info)

• Oh, and don’t forget that rodent baits are very dangerous and unfortunately attractive to pets. Ingestion causes internal bleeding – sometimes two to three weeks later!

If your pet ingests any of the above or you think they may have it is best to contact Pet Doctors IMMEDIATELY on 55 760 400.

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