Our kitty cats are fussy about things sometimes, and their kitty litter is no exception!
When buying kitty litter you may notice on the bag that the instructions state to regularly remove the soiled material and top up with fresh kitty litter. When doing this some owners have experienced trouble with their cats refusing to toilet in their cleaned out litter trays. This can lead to unfortunate accidents elsewhere in the home and is no fun for you or your cat.
We recommend this method of cleaning your cat’s litter tray, to be done weekly:
- Dispose of all kitty litter
- Hose out the tray with clean water
- Dry with paper towel or newspaper
- Fill with new litter
One of our clients reported that her cat went from toileting in the shower to being completely happy toileting in her reguarly cleaned litter tray because of this method.
While the kitty litter bags at Pet Doctors DO recommend this, other brands don’t, leading to some confusing situations for cat owners. If you have a similar problem then we recommend making this change before becoming too worried. If your cat continues to have accidents please make an appointment to see Dr Peter for best advice.
Thank you to Jennifer H for the advice given in this article.