(07) 5576 0400
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturdays 8:00am - 12:30pm
They’re excited and full of joy when you get out their favourite toy, but owners beware, not all toys are alike, and not all toys are safe! Many toys with common parts used by toy companies can cause some serious problems for your furry friend! Here are the dangers of toys: (more…)
A pet dental procedure is nearly an everyday occurance in veterinary practices and when it comes to what’s involved, people often have a few questions. Here are the three most common questions we hear… (more…)
Dental health care is just as important for your pets as it is for you and I! While only a dental op at Pet Doctors will remove plaque build up and deal with any dental problems, maintaining your pet’s oral health has largely to do with home practices like dental solutions, teeth brushing and even dental diets and chews.
It’s a common question: can my pet get the flu?
The answer is yes but unlike in humans, there isn’t typically a flu season for dogs and cats and infection can occur year round. (more…)
You might not realise it but dogs and cats are considered senior citizens when they reach 7 years of age. Our furry senior friends require some extra special attention to help keep them happy and healthy. (more…)
Winter is arthritis season! The cold weather often brings on symptoms in those pets with underlying degenerative joint disease, like Bentley. (more…)
Our cat’s behaviours can sometimes be a mystery to us, especially if they suddenly change a habit for no apparent reason: like peeing on the bed! (more…)
One of the most common injuries seen in dogs is called a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament (or ruptured ACL). This is the same injury seen in many a footballer – the notorious ACL, and it can can lead to dramatic arthritis in your dog’s knee if it is not treated effectively. (more…)
In the last few week’s we’ve discussed the signs that dogs and cats show when they are living with arthritis. If your pet has been diagnosed with arthritis we will work with you to come up with the best management plan to keep your pet pain free. (more…)
Last week we spoke about how dogs show the signs of arthritis. Well, cats are even better than dogs at hiding or covering up pain caused by arthritis. (more…)