You’ve booked a vet visit with Pet Doctors Palm Beach for your furry friend, so here’s the best way to get the most out of your time with us:
- Arrive on time – or 10 minutes early if you are a new client as we will have some paperwork for your to complete before your appointment. If you cannot make your appointment please let us know 24 hours ahead of time.
- Make a list of all your queries so nothing gets forgotten or left out – Have you noticed any lumps, stiffness or thinning of hair etc.
- Take note of any behavioral changes prior to the appointment – Is your pet getting easily irritated? Have they started snapping/biting? Or have they become more quiet and reserved?
- Take note of any change in eating or drinking habits prior to the appointment – Are they eating/drinking more or less?
- Take note of any irregularities of the stool or urine prior to the appointment – Diarrhoea, constipation? Are they urinating more often? Is there incontinence or involuntary defecation?
- Have your pet’s documentation with you – including histories from other vets, vaccination cards, flea/worming products and dates and microchip details.
- Keep calm and confident during the visit – any anxiousness from you will be easily read by your pet and will most likely affect their behaviour as well.
- Ask us about our Vac4Life and senior health pet programs – both of these programs are designed to protect your pet from diseases, while also helping you save money.
- Pets coming in for surgery are best kept clean and comfortable – we recommend bathing them the day before.
- Buy a treat for your pet to have after their vet visit to reward them for their good behaviour.
Call Pet Doctors Palm Beach on 5576 0400 to make an appointment for your furry friend!