You might not realise it but dogs and cats are considered senior citizens when they reach 7 years of age. Our furry senior friends require some extra special attention to help keep them happy and healthy.
Here’s a few of our top tips for senior care.
1. A regular health check is absolutely essential for your ageing friend. Much can change over a year (which is equivalent to 6-8 years in human years) and a check up at least once a year will help us pick up on any changes and allow us to initiate a treatment plan, such as pain relief for arthritis.
2. Develop a keen eye for changes such as fluctuations in weight, appetite, thirst and urination. The presence of a cough, a change in sleeping habits, stiff joints and accidents around the house can all be a sign of underlying illness. Don’t be tempted to just put these changes down to ‘getting old’.
3. Diet: Our ageing pets have changing nutritional requirements. Older animals may be less able to cope with excessive nutrients or particular deficiencies. We recommend you feed your senior a complete and balanced premium food suitable for a mature pet. These help to maintain ideal body condition and will improve longevity. Ask a Pet Doctors team member for a specific diet recommendation.
4. Lumps and bumps: It’s a good idea to run your hands over your pet every week and feel for the presence of any lumps or bumps. If you find anything new or unusual, arrange a lump check with Pet Doctors as soon as possible.
Phone Pet Doctors on 5576 0400 if you have any questions about your senior pet, as we will always be able to give you the best advice.
Pet Doctors offers the Seniors Wellness Program for just $198 – a program designed to maintain ideal body condition and weight, minimise disease risk, manage present diseases and improve quality and longevity of life. This program is a must for all those out there looking to keep their senior pet in top form!