Most people are aware that dogs love the company of their owners and most love other dogs too. Dogs in general feel content when they have company because they are “pack” animals. But cats are a different matter.
What about cats?
Just as dogs crave company, cats crave “territory”. By territory I mean the safety and contentment of a familiar environment. Understanding this fact is the key to knowing why most cats get stressed when they are placed in unfamiliar surroundings such as a new home or even a cat carrier or car.
Cat carriers
A cat carrier is dual purpose: it not only keeps your cat safe from escape but keeps your cat feeling safe (in his/her own little “territory”). It makes sense therefore to make the carrier a safe haven for your cat; this not only makes it easier to get your cat into the carrier when needed but also reduces your cat’s stress.
Most cats see the carrier come out a couple of times a year and it is associated with fear because, let’s face it, they are put in this fearsome environment and taken out of their safe territory usually for a vet visit or to a cattery which are both unfamiliar territories.
So how can you reduce the fear associated with the dreaded carrier?
For starters, keep the carrier in a place where your cat can explore it. Keep it open, take the top off and place treats/toys inside it. Let it be a piece of furniture that your cat is familiar with so when it is needed, your cat is not terrified of it as it has become a familiar territory.
This will greatly reduce the stress involved in travel for your cat (and for you if you have trouble getting him/her into it!).