Puppies are adorable, but they can be challenging to live with! Here are our tips to help with a few common new teething issues in young dogs.
It’s natural for young dogs to want to chew things, this is their way of exploring the world! Additionally, when they start shedding their baby teeth at around four-to-six months old, gnawing provides relief to the discomfort of the new teeth coming through.
Try to get a range of safe chewing toys and offer several different items daily on a rotating schedule to keep things interesting. Do not provide toys that have small parts that may be chewed off as they can be a choking hazard.
When giving your puppy chew treats, it’s safest to stick with food-stuffed Kong toys or digestible treats. These should be soft enough to bend slightly (e.g. dried chicken breast, vet-approved dental chews) to reduce the risk of tooth breakage or an upset tummy.
Many young dogs play-bite with excitement, but those tiny little teeth can hurt! If your puppy is play-biting then try to distract them with a chew-toy instead. If they persist in nipping you, it will help to make a high-pitched “yelp” sound. Yelp sounds are puppy language for “ouch, you hurt me!”. Then calmly place your puppy into a safe “time-out” area for one minute before trying again with some calmer play.
Bear in mind that some puppies will become over-excited when tired. If your puppy has been awake for several hours then consider putting them down for a nap in their bed or crate – they could surprise you by going to sleep!
If you’re having any cheeky puppy problems, come in to Pet Doctors and ask one of our friendly team members for advice! Book now to see one of our Vets.
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