After the devastating South Australian bushfires earlier this year, we have a feel good story to share with you.
Following these fires, a call was put out to help sew cotton mittens for our furry koalas. The mittens help to protect the koalas’ burnt paws as they heal.
The message went viral and was sent around the world. Since then, thousands of mittens have been sent from as far as the United Kingdom, America, China and Russia. This phenomenal response just shows the power of the internet and how compassionate people are when it comes to helping our wildlife.
The group who called for the donations, The International Fund for Animal Welfare, has been unable to count all of the mittens, but said they had thousands and did not need any more at this time. They are now calling for people to sew pouches for other wildlife affected by the South Australian bushfires. You can find out more here.