While desexing your pet at a young age is ideal, it is never too late to have the procedure done. We have provided some information to help advise you on the benefits of neutering your male or female pet.
Neutering your pet has undoubted advantages in both the male and the female
Neutering the female prevents oestrus as well as breeding. She will not come into heat and therefore will not have to be confined.
In the male it removes the sexual urge so that if he gets the scent of a female in heat he is unlikely to show any interest and try to find ways to escape the yard.
As well as the above mentioned, desexing your pet will also significantly reduce the risk of certain cancers and illnesses later in life.
Common Misconceptions Associated with Desexing Your Pet
• My pet will become fat and lazy after being desexed.
It is a common fallacy that a neutered animal will become fat and lazy. Judicious feeding of a scientifically prepared complete diet without excessive titbits will adequately control any problems of obesity, just as it does in a non-neutered animal.
• My pet will lose character/personality after being desexed
Another common misconception people have is that the neutered pet loses character. Admittedly neutering is often carried out for certain anti-social behaviours and often pets will become gentler. However, they lose neither spirit nor their intelligence and, provided they are not allowed to become obese, are just as active as before they were desexed.
• I should allow my pet to have one litter or mate once before desexing
There appears to be a general misconception that having a litter will improve temperament. There is no scientific evidence to support this theory, whereas it has been proven that neutering the female prevents the risk of uterine infections, cancer and breast cancer by 1000 fold.
Allowing the male to reach sexual maturity will increase the likely hood of undesirable behaviour and will be more prone to illness’s such as prostate cancer.
If you would like to discuss neutering your pet further or make an appointment please contact Pet Doctors Palm Beach on 55760400.