Meet Maurice, a very happy energetic little fellow who loves his food.
Maurice has learnt how to raid his owner’s pantry, and this week managed to help himself to a couple of boxes of sultanas … the large 250gm boxes!
The owners did not realize anything was amiss until Maurice vomited up several piles of sultanas then pooped out at least 2 large piles of sultanas! He was more full of the dried fruit than the Christmas cake they were meant for!
Sultanas and grapes are potentially very toxic to dogs. Ingestion of even small amounts can lead to acute renal failure in some cases.
Maurice spent the day at Pet Doctors on intravenous fluids and luckily seems none the worse for his gluttony.
Remember the delicious Christmas cakes and puddings are very attractive to our furry friends. Ingestion could lead to renal failure in some dogs so make sure you keep the goodies well out of reach!