It’s the Summer season again and unfortunately these little terrors can cause your pet some serious problems.
There are some types of grass seeds that are shaped like a pointy needle and once caught in your pet’s fur they can start to burrow aggressively into their skin.
If the seed does not exit, a painful abscess can develop. This invariably leads to the need for surgery to remove the seed or its remnants.
What to look out for:
• excessive licking – often one of the first signs.
• a swelling or lump – especially between toes, under armpits.
• pus and bloody discharge from a burst abscess.
Occasionally a grass seed will end up in your dog’s ear canal causing major irritation – your pet may shake his head violently or turn his head to the side. Ear infections present in a similar manner so a check up with us is always essential.
Top tips:
Keep your pet out of long grass and keep their fur clipped short – especially around the feet.
Check your pet’s coat for grass seeds daily and after every walk – concentrate under the paws, between the toes, around the ears and in the armpit region. You’ll be amazed how many seeds can become hidden in your pet’s coat – and they are just waiting to cause trouble!
If you notice any of the above symptoms please call Pet Doctors on 5576 0400 or bring your pet in to see us.