Feeling a bit lonely for this Valentine’s Day? Never fear, that’s why our pets are here! We can prove why a furry valentine is better than any other!
Ever wondered if your pet really loves you? Here’s what you should be looking for:
- Brings you presents – whether it is a dead mouse or a headless bird, this is a ‘gift’, albet not always an appreciated one!
- Head butts you – he is depositing facial pheromones on you and wants to leave his scent to claim you – it’s a sign of affection.
- He flashes his tummy at you – this signifies your cat is happy to lie in a more vulnerable position and feels completely safe around you.
- Your cat kneads you – by massaging you with his paws he leaves his pheromones on you – you are loved!
- Brings you his squeaky toys – even if they are covered in slobber, you should accept this as a slimy sign of affection!
- Makes eye contact with you – prolonged eye contact means your dog feels safe and secure with you.
- Licks your face frantically – this one is self explanatory, you are getting the doggy equivalent of a kiss!
- Yawns when you yawn – it is thought that when a dog yawns after a human he is showing empathy.
To see a video of a dog who is completely in love with his owner, click here