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Cruicate Ligament Disease and your pet

The cranial cruciate ligament is important in stabilizing the stifle (knee) joint. Damage to the ligament causes painful inflammation, and leads to the development of arthritis.

At Pet Doctors we are seeing an increasing number of dogs with hind limb lameness due to cranial cruciate ligament disease, just like Chilli pictured. The disease affects both small and large breeds and in 60% of cases the dog will eventually suffer the same problem in the other hind leg. Overweight dogs are more likely to tear their cruciate ligaments and will also suffer more serious effects from arthritis.

Initially many dogs will have a slight limp that improves with rest, only to become lame again when they are more active. Over time the ligament becomes increasingly damaged and osteoarthritis develops. Some dogs will totally rupture the ligament when exercising. These dogs will usually carry the leg totally at first because the joint is so painful and unstable.

Cruicate ligament surgery for dogs is the treatment of choice in order to minimize ongoing damage to the joint and therefore reduce arthritic changes. Various surgical techniques are used depending on the size of the dog.

If your dog is showing any sign of hind limb lameness it is important to have him/her checked by your Pet Doctors vet. Early detection and treatment of cruciate ligament disease will minimize the effects of crippling arthritis over time.

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