Unfortunately, chubby cats are increasingly common, and bring an increased risk of issues such as diabetes, fatty liver disease, urinary tract disease and arthritis.
If you think your chubby cat may not be at their ideal healthy weight, it’s best to bring them into the veterinary clinic for an objective assessment. If they’re found to be overweight, we can then advise on a personalised weight loss plan to get them back to their ideal weight, with monthly weigh-ins to check their progress. Don’t worry – our Pet Doctors team will be very supportive and reassuring to any “excessively cuddly” cats!
In general, the easiest diet plan involves switching your cat to a high-quality prescription weight loss food, and providing strictly weighed portions. Feline weight loss diets tend to be lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein and other nutrients, to ensure your cat doesn’t develop any nutrient deficiencies.
In addition to your cat’s prescription weight loss diet plan, we’ll also recommend ways to increase their activity levels. This can include techniques such as scattering dry food around the house, providing exciting kitty-climbing frames and encouraging play with enticing toys!
At your cat’s monthly checks, out vets may adjust their diet plan as required to ensure they’re making safe, gradual progress on their weight loss journey. In cats, it’s best to aim for very gradual weight loss, as rapid fat loss can cause liver problems. Very overweight kitties can sometimes take up to a year to healthily shed their excess weight, and that’s OK, provided they’re moving in the right direction!
Once your cat has reached their target weight (woo hoo!), we can then advise on a healthy weight maintenance program to help ensure those cheeky kg’s don’t sneak back on.
With the support of the team at Pet Doctors, your cat can enjoy their “summer body” – all year round!
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