(07) 5576 0400
Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm
Saturdays 8:00am - 12:30pm
You may be worried about general anaesthetic in older pets. Worry not! An older pet will commonly have a general anaesthetic. We will advise the options for your pet.
We know giving oral medications to your pet can be tricky, especially if your pet isn’t the cooperative type. Medicate like a pro with these tips: (more…)
For our pets, grass seeds are more than just annoying – they can become painful foreign bodies, causing infection and requiring veterinary treatment.?
Before you take your four-legged family member out and about for summer adventures, it’s important to keep them protected from common diseases by ensuring their vaccinations are up-to-date! (more…)
Snakes usually hibernate during the cooler months of the year, so the arrival of the spring warmth also means snakes may start to be more active in the area, and could be a potential risk to your pet. (more…)
Spring might have sprung, but the onset of warmer weather doesn’t necessarily mean that pets suffering from arthritis will be more comfortable than during the cold of winter. Pets with arthritis still need to be carefully managed year-round to ensure they remain comfortable, happy and healthy all of the time. (more…)
Anxiety can be a serious problem in pets. It can significantly affect their quality of life and even be dangerous to their health and wellbeing. (more…)
The onset of warmer spring weather also brings a burst of flowering plants and trees, which means there are more bees buzzing around. Pets, especially dogs, can come into contact with bees that have fallen to the ground, or from exploring in and amongst the flowering plants in the garden or in bushland. (more…)
A urine test is a simple and effective method for us to check the health of your pet’s urinary system. (more…)
Our feline friends can, unfortunately, suffer from a painful dental condition known as feline resorptive lesions (FRL). 60% of susceptible cats will have one of these lesions present by the time they are 6-years old. (more…)