Our cat’s behaviours can sometimes be a mystery to us, especially if they suddenly change a habit for no apparent reason: like peeing on the bed! Firstly, it is important to rule out any medical issues. If this sort of behaviour develops then it could be a sign of bladder stones or an infection that can only be sorted by visiting your vet.
If, medically, your cat is fine then it is time to start addressing a new problem: What is wrong with the litter box?
Here are the main reasons why your cat’s habits can change:
Location, Location, Location
Our cats are fussy creatures, especially when it comes to their toilet habits. If the litter box is in a room that is not convenient to them, or too dark, or too noisy, they can turn their noses up. For example, your dog could sleep in front of the room the litter is in, or they cannot get access without having to pass your other cat. Maybe the litter is at the back of the house while your cat likes to inhabit the front. Another example would be if you have the litterbox in a location where there are sudden noises, like a dryer or washing machine. All of these factors come in to play and can effect how comfortable your cat is to approach the room.
More is Better
If you have more than one cat then we advise getting one litterbox each, plus an extra. Some cats don’t like to share, and you might find they’re being lazy and don’t want to go too far. Several easily accessible litterboxes dotted around the house will mean they can choose one that they prefer rather than just snubbing the single option they have and going on the bed!
It’s In The Box
Cats can just as easily disagree with your product choices. For example, they might not like the box you have chosen. Perhaps it is too small or too enclosed and they cannot get comfortable when using it. Perhaps there is not enough litter for them to bury the evidence. Or perhaps the litter itself is too rough or they don’t like the smell of it. Trying changing things up to see if there is a difference that your cat approves of.
Sometimes there is a change in your household that cannot be helped, but ultimately affects how comfortable your cat is to continue using their litterbox. For example, you have a new dog, baby or the room with the box in has changed. Cats like to be in control of things and changes can interrupt the feeling of safety they have in their environment. Up the amount of litterboxes around the home and look for the one your cat uses most to decide where a safe location is.
If you are concerned about a sudden change in your cat’s behaviour please contact Pet Doctors on 5576 0400.