Our beautiful country is home to some of the world’s most deadly and poisonous creatures and this article is about none other than our very own Cane Toad and the scary effects it can have on our pets.
This population of toad is most prevalent through warmer months and, while they are most common in tropical North Queensland, they have also been found down here on the Gold Coast. Because we are experiencing many sightings we’d like to issue all owners a warning about these poisonous toads.
The toxin excreted from the Cane Toad is a hallucinogenic drug to our pets and dogs especially find it impossible to resist. Simply mouthing a toad is enough for a dog to absorb this toxin and risk the consequences.
- Heavy salivation, drooling and possible frothing from the mouth
- Hallucinations (will appear to see things that aren’t there)
- Pawing at mouth/face
- Vomiting
- Very red gums
- Sliminess in the mouth
- Disorientation
- Tremours
- Rigid Muscles
- Spasms
- Convulsions/Seizures
- Rapid Heart Rate
- Possible Death
- Call Pet Doctors Palm Beach to let them know of the situation.
- Holding your pet’s mouth down towards the ground, gently wipe out the inside of the mouth with a cloth or paper towel.
- With a very slow trickling tap or hose, rinse our your pet’s mouth for about 10-15 minutes. (WARNING: Be careful that the water drains out and does not go down the throat or to the lungs.)
- Use a wet cloth to gently and thoroughly wipe the gums, tongue and roof of mouth for about 10 minutes, rinsing the cloth after each wipe.
- If this seems to be successful keep a close eye on your pet and even confined them for a few hours.
If you are concerned, or symptoms persist or worsen, bring your pet to Pet Doctors for treatment immediately.