Lonely, stuck indoors, feeling bored and waiting for the fur parents to come home can be a challenge for any pet. It is often times like this that your furry best friend will decide to do something particularly devilish to occupy their time. Whether it’s making a right din, urinating, defecating, chewing, scratching, biting, tearing or self-mutilating, there’s no fun in coming home to the mess bored pets can leave.
So, what to do when you’re at your wit’s end with your troublesome fur child? Here are a few new habits you can form to demolish those boredom blues for good!
Taking your dog for a brisk walk before you head out the door for work can make a big difference to their energy levels, giving them stimulation in the day. Likewise, take them for another when you arrive home and it will give them something to look forward to.
With cats, fit in some playtime before and after work. Using lasers, feathery toys or toy mice can give them a good run. Investing in a toy like THIS is invaluable when playtime is due!
There’s no shame in getting some help if your day is just too busy. Either ask a friend, neighbour, or hire a professional dog walker to come and spend time with your pet in the middle of the day.
Doggie Day Care is also another great way of making sure your pet doesn’t get down in the dumps and there are several open around the Coast. Daily activities, socialisation, playtime and healthy meals come with most services, just make sure you do your research and ask plenty of questions when looking to enrol.
There’s nothing like watching your pet go mad over a tennis ball or a toy mouse! Spoil your pet with some pet-safe toys that can occupy their time instead of chewing on the end of the sofa! There are even toys which release treats at certain intervals that will keep even the laziest pets occupied. If you want to get creative you can even line a big Kong with peanut butter and turn a good toy into a GREAT toy!
Cats that scratch love a chance to get their claws out, so invest in a cat tower or scratching post. Give them some time to get used to the addition and you will be thanking your lucky stars that Mittens no longer digs into the back of the couch!
Sometimes the quietness and stillness of the empty home can be unsettling for your pet. By leaving on the radio or television while you are out you can provide some comfort. It’s proven that pets react to music, so play some classical, tranquil or meditation music like THIS.
At times it can be a benefit to add another addition to your fur family, giving your pet the comfort and companionship of another animal in the house. While this is a big step and should never be done without a lot of consideration, this is another way to help ease your fur child’s loneliness.
Anxiety is as serious in pets as it can be in humans. If you are worried that your pet is suffering real stress and anxiety you can discuss with your Vet the further options, such as medication, behaviour therapy and training, available to help alleviate the blues.