When it comes to cats and water, things can get pretty hairy! Most cats hate being immersed in water and find the bath an incredibly stressful experience. So at the end of the day, should you be bathing your cat?
Thankfully you don’t really need to bathe your feline friend as they are equipped to take care of their own personal hygiene. They have a rough surface on the top of their tongue that acts as a brush.
Having said that, some cats are better at grooming themselves than others so you may need to groom your cat from time to time to help remove dead hair and prevent matting. This is especially the case with longer haired cats. Matting can cause pain and discomfort, and in some cases, your cat may need sedation to have any matting clipped off safely.
Some tips to remember:
• Always check for matting in the armpits and around the bottom
• If your cat is overweight or arthritic she may not be able to groom herself properly
• A decrease in self grooming can be a sign of illness or pain – call Pet Doctors if you are ever concerned
You should NEVER wash your cat in a flea shampoo as these are almost always pyrethrin based and ARE POISONOUS TO CATS. You should also be aware that dogs bathed in pyrethrin shampoos can be a source of poison for your cat if she licks and grooms your dog. It is best to avoid using flea shampoo if you have a cat around.
Call Pet Doctors on 5576 0400 if you think your cat might have some grooming issues – we are always happy to help!