It’s difficult to think about your furry best friend being hurt or severely injured, but having a basic understanding of first aid should the situation ever present itself can make a world of difference to you and your pet.
In any of these mentioned circumstances it is important to get your pet to Pet Doctors or pet emergency centre immediately. If you are ever in doubt of what to do please call us on 5576 0400 for the best advice.
Pets can easily suffer from heatstroke in our hot summers. This can be life-threatening if not treated. To help your pet, place lukewarm towels on or over them and situate them in front of a fan or air flow. If transporting them open a car window. It is important to immediately contact your vet as heatstroke places stress on internal organs.
Open Wounds
In the situation of open wounds and blood-loss, it is most important to stem the bleeding by placing a clean piece of fabric or bandage over the wound before seeing the vet. Do not wrap anything above the wound as this will cut off blood flow, which can cause more serious consequences.
Protruding Objects
Do not try to remove objects from a penetrating wound. Keep your pet calm and warm as you take them to the vet and apply a compress to the affected area without putting any pressure on the protruding object.
Broken Bones
If your pet has fallen or been hit by a car then the possibility of them sustaining broken bones will be high. Injuries may be worsened because we cannot see broken bones when moving them. Therefore, create a sling out of a large piece of material, possibly a bed cover or large blanket. This is the best way to move them and get them to the vet. Make sure that you keep the affected area as still as possible to avoid further injury.
If your pet is suffering an episode like a seizure or fit keep as calm and quiet as possible while it is occurring. Do not try to move them or control them when it is happening and when it is over contact your vet. If the seizure goes beyond a couple of minutes then it is important to transport them to your vet immediately. Use the sling method to move them as prolonged seizures can cause brain damage.
PLEASE NOTE: Even the most timid pets can bite when they are in pain, so it is important to use caution.
Advice in this article is of a general nature. It is important to contact Pet Doctors as soon as possible for the best instructions pertaining to your situation.