In this profession we are always learning … the vets especially!
Kathryn’s beloved Staffy, Halle, had not managed to grow her hair back after having a cancer removed in March 2013 and then after spinal surgery in June this year. She had a bald back with a patchy tuft of hair in the middle and a very thin coat on her right side where she had the cancer removed. Kathryn had done some preliminary blood tests for Cushing’s disease (Hyperadrenocorticism) which is a hormonal disease that can affect hair growth, but the tests were normal. As Halle did not have any other symptoms of Cushing’s disease no further tests were done. We thought poor Halle had a hair follicle problem and was destined to be partially bald!
A passing remark by a medical specialist when Halle was having her post operative spinal surgery checkup prompted Kathryn to trial the drug, Trilostane, which is used to treat Cushing’s disease.
3 weeks into her treatment she suddenly developed heaps of scale on her skin, shortly followed by new hairs emerging. She was shedding hair at the same time … one pat would lead to chunks of hair falling out, yet there was new hair emerging! She came to Pet Doctors one day, arriving with a bald tail and going home with tufts of hair on her tail by the afternoon. It was spectacular!
A month later she now has her beautiful glossy coat back. She is also stronger in her hind legs because Cushing’s disease leads to muscle weakness too. This strength has helped her regain her mobility after spinal surgery.
Cushing’s disease is being diagnosed more frequently in dogs, with not every dog showing all the classic symptoms. Halle’s only sign was the delayed growth of her coat.
If your dog has a problem with coat regrowth, excessive thirst, muscle weakness or a pot belly make sure you organize him/her to be checked by Dr Kathryn or Dr Peter and ask about Cushing’s disease!