Article by Dr. Kathryn James, Pet Doctors Palm Beach Vet
Paralysis tick season has started already this year and Pet Doctors has already seen its share of cases!
Pumpkin and Ketu are two very special patients at Pet Doctors. Luckily for them they have very attentive and caring owners who were quick to detect the early changes that can occur with tick toxicity.
Pumpkin had recently had some teeth extracted but after a few days of doing very well after his operation he suddenly went off his food and was not his normal self. His owner was initially worried he had a sore mouth and brought him straight to Pet Doctors for a check. She had also felt a small lump on the side of his neck which turned out to be a paralysis tick. Pumpkin was admitted to hospital where he was given antiserum. He responded very quickly, and was able to go home the same day.
Ketu’s story also has a happy ending but her paralysis tick was much harder to find. She presented with the more classic signs of a change in her voice and wobbliness in her back legs, but despite multiple tick searches by her owner and at Pet Doctors it took a couple of days to find the tick. Happily after receiving antiserum and spending a few days in hospital Ketu is now back to her normal self.
Not all animals are as lucky as Pumpkin and Ketu. Tick toxicity claims the life of many pets on the Gold Coast each year.
Start tick prevention for your beloved pet today! If you need advice please ask one of our staff members to help you select the best product for your situation.