Did you know that just like humans, our furry friends need a cool down after exercise? This is especially the case if your pet likes to work/run/play hard! Here are our top tips to giving your pet the best cool down!
Cooling Down
Towards the end of exercise, your dog should be given some time to slow their heart rate and body temperature. To do this, simply slow down their method of exercise. If you throw a ball for them, stop and take them for a walk for several minutes, gradually slowing to an easy pace. The same goes for any other method of exercise. It is also very beneficial to rub down your dog’s muscles when you get home to help their limbs stretch out a little.
For warmer days, put a wet towel across their back. PLEASE NOTE: heavy panting that does not ease after cooling down, disorientation and weakness are signs of heat stress and should be addressed by your vet immediately.
No matter where you take your pet, we recommend keeping a portable dog water bottle so your pet can quench their thirst whenever they have a break. Make sure you can control how much water they drink as gulping down large amounts at one time can lead to stomach upset or bloating.
Leave The Food
Dogs should never be exercised after a meal as this can lead to stomach upset/bloat. After exercise and hydration, try to wait at least 30 minutes to an hour before feeding them their normal meal.
Full Body Brushdown
Post-exercise brushing for your pet can be a relaxing and enjoyable time for the both of you. Use this time to check for any ticks inside the ears, under the belly, between skin folds, and run your hands over their coat to remove any debris they might have picked up.
Foot Care
If your pet is a fast runner or plays in rough terrain it is always a good idea to check their paw pads. Look out for cuts, cracks, blisters, dirt stuck between toes or anything sticking into their skin.
Giving your pet a cool down is the best practice for keeping them happy and healthy.